Orador, escritor y conferencista Int., Líder espiritual y asesor para presidentes y gobiernos.

Born in Venezuela to Dominican parents, Dionny Baez's childhood and adolescence was full of nuances and learning "My childhood was difficult and limited by the fact of being part of a Caribbean family of illegal immigrants in a Latin American country" Dionny felt and knew that he was different from others, not only because of his physique but also because of his way of looking at life from a very early age, "all the bullying I went through, all the tears I shed and always feeling foreign even in the country where I was born, helped me become the man I am today".

When Dionny speaks, the whole world listens, his word has power not only in the United States, where he currently resides, but also in every continent where he brings peace, hope and comfort. Recently Dionny has just returned from South Africa and Kenya, where he was asked to give conferences attended by more than 30 thousand people, the purpose of the trip was also to advise the presidents and politicians of the African continent "today I travel around the world carrying a message of hope and work to achieve a change in critical situations that affect the development of humanity in the social, economic and spiritual spheres. I have been a consultant to several presidents, as well as some governments, ministries and companies globally," says Baez, who at the age of 14 came to the United States with his parents. "We entered with a visa," he recalls, "and then we stayed illegally... once again we became illegal immigrants.

Going to school in the U.S. was a difficult process because in addition to feeling discriminated against because of the color of his skin, he did not know the English language, all this hindered his ability to interact with young people his age "I know what it is like to drive without a license or insurance because I could not register my car...I know what it is like not to have credit, not to be able to rent a place to live and also to learn of the death of some loved ones like my grandparents in our country and not be able to go to say goodbye to them because I was looking for the American dream starting from less than zero".

Dr. Dionny Baez is a recognized best-selling author of over forty books and manuals in both English and Spanish. His distinguished reputation has positioned him among the most outstanding spiritual leaders, transformational speakers, and entrepreneurs. He is a music producer, television producer, and founding pastor of H2o Church, ranked as the fastest growing bilingual church in Philadelphia. For several years he has been a consultant to governments, ministries and businesses. Traveling extensively around the world, Dr. Baez responds to critical situations that affect the development of humanity in the social, economic and spiritual spheres.

Born in Venezuela, he currently lives between Philadelphia and Miami with his wife Yarissette, son Shaddai, and daughter Salomé.

None of the vicissitudes were an obstacle for Dionny, at the age of 17, to graduate with honors from school, however, frustration was his companion again, not being able to pursue university studies because of his legal status, "I lived something similar to what the so-called dreamers (dreamers) go through today, those young people who struggle to obtain a legal permit in the country where they grew up and only want to study to achieve their college degree. I channeled my energy traveling within the United States and I dedicated myself to give lectures in student campuses on how to overcome limitations and also the importance of staying healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Dionny found true love when he was still very young, married a Puerto Rican girl and started a beautiful family, at the age of 25 he achieved the long awaited residency and legal status in the United States, immediately resumed his studies and received his first doctorate, he also wrote his first inspirational book

Fame and fortune began to smile on him, however, Dionny Baez was a perfect target for controversy and media scandals feeling the center of controversy, the young entrepreneur, preacher and motivational speaker, wrote his second book "How to Win your Worst Battle", a work that, within days of being published, became the best selling book in all categories in the Spanish language, the content and wisdom of this literary work is more relevant than ever because always, humans "have a battle to fight and win".

Dionny Baez continues to travel the world, whether in Latin America, Mexico, Europe, Asia or Africa his message is heard and admired, the businessman continues to write books, lecturing, creating events, talking to presidents or with normal and common people, to whom he offers his hand and his most sincere embrace. Dionniy Baez understands the suffering of immigrants who seek a place in this country as he was one of them, only now Dionny Baez, has his own voice, which is respected and heard.

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Sara Soto

One Idol Enterprises



Alberto Gomez

Media Concepts PR

